
Hey! I'm David - A Software
Engineer based in Dublin.

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About Me

Hello there! My name is David Moreno. I've studied CS at FIB-UPC (Barcelona School Of Informatics) and obtained my Master's in Computer Science at University College Dublin.
I am very passionate about Computer Science and Space Research, and looking forward to learning more in the future!
You can check my CV or contact me for more information! Have a nice day :D


Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM) 19 January 2022

Ariel mission planning. Scheduling the survey of a thousand exoplanets

J.C. Morales, N. Nakhjiri, J. Colomé, I. Ribas, E. García, D. Moreno, F. Vilardell

Space Weather: Volume 18, Issue 3 22 February 2020

Real‐Time Detection, Location, and Measurement of Geoeffective Stellar Flares From Global Navigation Satellite System Data: New Technique and Case Studies

Manuel Hernández‐Pajares, David Moreno‐Borràs

Polytechnic University of Catalonia 5 July 2019

New real-time GNSS algorithms for detection and measurement of potential geoeffective stellar flares

BSc Thesis. Algorithm to detect solar flares without considering the location of the Sun using GNSS data to test it against stellar flares from outside the solar system.



Software Engineer II

  • Office Performance Team: developed and maintained software to measure and improve performance in the Office Suite
  • Implemented a Machine Learning anomaly detection pipeline for the detection of faulty frames in app traces.

Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC/ICE-CSIC)

C++ Developer

  • Developed an AI scheduling framework to be used by different ground (TJO robotic telescope, Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), COLIBRI) and space (ARIEL-ESA) based observatories (C++, Boost, MySQL) with the appropriate software engineering process: design, unit testing, documentation.
  • Set up Continuous Integration (using GitLab CI) and Dockerization for multiple internal projects and libraries.
  • Maintenance of the user website interface used to request observations for the TJO robotic telescope (PHP, Python).


Intern, Full Stack Developer

Developed a dynamic web app with Java using Agile methodology and MVC. Learned and worked with HTML/CSS/JS/jQuery for the frontend and SQL for the database.

Polytechnic University of Catalonia

Intern, Communication Services

Maintenance of the University’s Website (using Plone). Developed Python scripts to automate routine tasks.


Multi-layer Perceptron (Neural Network)

Multi-layer Perceptron implemented from scratch in Python using NumPy. Tested with the XOR and the Sinus functions, and a letter recognition dataset.

Python, NumPy

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ANTLR4 Compiler

Grammar recognition of a C-like language. Parser of the language and a type check system as well as code generation into 3-adress machine code interpreted by a virtual machin using the ANTLR4 tool.


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Unity: Car AI using genetic algorithms

Project in which cars use Genetic Algorithms to improve driving in a given track. Each unit has one codification that defines its behaviour when driving and is tested and given a score based on a fitness function. After each generation of N units, the best ones are selected and crossed between them to improve the driving.

C#, Unity

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GMTK Jam 2019

Game for the Game Makers Toolkit 2019 48h Game Jam with the "only one" theme in which you play as a detective who can only use one sense at the same time.

C#, Unity

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Hunction (Junction 2019)

Submission for Junction 2018 AI/Big Data track We aimed to create a game for children to play while their parents are shopping using Cisco's Meraki API to Encourage parent-children collaboration and gain customer loyalty for a chain (supermarket, etc) using Augmented Reality

C#, Unity, Flask, Cisco Meraki API

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Haskell Type inference functional

Hindley–Milner type inference system using Haskell to evaluate expressions of a simple functional-language inside Haskell and infere it's type.


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Bootstrap image gallery generator

Python script to automatically create an HTML Gallery using Bootstrap with the images inside a folder.

Python, HTML

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University College Dublin

Sept 2021 - Present

Master of Science, Computer Science

Uppsala University

Sept 2018 - Feb 2019

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science

Erasmus+ exchange program

Polytechnic University of Catalonia, School of Informatics

Sept 2015 - Jul 2019

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science

Specialized in Computing


Get in Touch

david.moreno.borras at